Expert Q&A: Suicide risk among youth during the pandemic (Part 1)

Expert Q&A: Suicide risk among youth during the pandemic (Part 1)

Throughout the month of March, our nation recognizes Self-Injury Awareness Month. Self-harm is an increasingly imperative topic that our society must acknowledge – especially since many routines are altered; activities are paused; and social time with friends and loved ones is limited. The sad truth is that, since the start of the pandemic, suicide completions amongst America’s youth have increased. The best way to reduce stigma and increase awareness is to simply talk about it. So, that’s what we did with South Bay’s assistant director of Children’s Behavioral Health Initiative services, Sara F. Read as Sara discusses suicide and the pandemic’s impact on our nation’s youth. 

How has the pandemic impacted youth who are at risk? 

I think youth are struggling to access the support they need on a consistent basis. There’s a lot of value in doing virtual lessons, but it lacks that personal piece. Youth don’t have the access to their friends or peer networks they once did. In turn, there’s an increase in social media usage. Having more access to social media and having to rely on it as their form of socialization has been unhealthy for a lot of youth, and it has demonstrated an increase …

Tips for telling your loved ones you live with a mental illness

Tips for telling your loved ones you live with a mental illness

Disclosing your mental illness to those you’re close with can feel like a looming conversation, but it doesn’t have to be. With preparation, telling your loved ones you live with a mental illness can be clear and simple when the time is right. We’ve included some advice for sharing this information with your friends, family or partner below. 

When to tell   

To put it simply – the best time to disclose your mental illness is when you feel it’s right, and you feel you’re ready. There’s no deadline, so don’t pressure yourself to do it by a specific date. Have the conversation when you’re feeling well, and you have time to properly explain what’s going on, especially if the person you’re telling isn’t well versed in the topic of mental illness. 

What to tell 

Plan your conversation ahead of time. This allows ample time to prepare an outline, determine key points and delineate next steps. Include specific examples and terminology that your loved ones need to know, such as what you are diagnosed with, how you feel or any triggers they should be aware of. Include ways they can support you and your mental well-being. This will give them clear, …

Resolve to focus on your mental well-being

Resolve to focus on your mental well-being

As we forge ahead into a new year, it’s important for us all to take the time to reflect, self-analyze and adjust our practices and mindsets. Resolutions give us an opportunity to redefine how we operate. As a community, we can strive to create positive changes this year for the sake of mental wellness. Below we’ve outlined a few resolutions that can uplift your mental well-being this year. 

Avoid negativity in your life.  

Unwanted negativity only amplifies stress. Instead of spending time and energy on things or people that continually bog you down, remember that they don’t have to rule you or your life path. If you find yourself feeling weighed down by negative thoughts, consider speaking to a trusted friend or clinician for support. Lean on those who care about you when you’re working to reset your thought process. 

Remove “should have,” “could have” and “would have” from your vocabulary.   

While setting goals can motivate you to live a more positive life, there’s no need to feel like a failure if you don’t meet them. Life is full of surprises, and it’s rarely going to go exactly as planned. So, avoid letting rigid expectations control you. Allow for flexibility, …

South Bay’s notable moments of 2020

South Bay’s notable moments of 2020

Although 2020 has been a whirlwind of events and emotions, we remind ourselves that there were still several moments of joy, triumph and happiness. South Bay has had numerous uplifting experiences that made us grateful for the work we do and those we serve in our communities. To round out the year, we’ve gathered a few of our team’s top memories from 2020.  

From Saida A. 

My most notable moment from 2020 was when a client said, “I was so happy the whole week since my last session. I was eagerly awaiting the next appointment to hear your voice because I was already relieved of the woes from previous years.” I felt the importance and value of what we do. 

From Laura N.

I’ll never forget my program director’s endless efforts to ensure our Early Childhood team had Zoom after-hour gatherings. She introduced us to Houseparty, and we enjoyed some great trivia games. Even some family members joined in on the fun!

From Christina A.

One of my favorite team meetings from the past year was when I logged onto Zoom, and a few family service providers from South Bay joined the team meeting. Instead of showing themselves, they used …

Remaining thankful amid growing stressors

Remaining thankful amid growing stressors

Remaining thankful amid growing stressors in a year like 2020 can feel like you are swimming upstream – we understand. Among racial unrest, high unemployment, catastrophic weather, a stressful election season and a pandemic, tensions were high this year. Did you know that being mindful and showing gratitude in times of stress and disaster has scientifically proven to help your mental and physical health? We encourage you to choose gratitude this holiday season, as allowing yourself to have a grateful mind can positively impact your mental health and well-being. Here’s how to get started!

Remember the difficult times

Although this may seem counterintuitive, there’s a helpful thought process behind it. Think back to tough times in your life. Then, remember that you are still here. You’ve made it through stressful events, but here you stand – on the other side of it all. You’re stronger than you think.  

Reframe your situation

While it’s important to remember that we shouldn’t ignore or deny pain during difficult times, we can reframe the way we approach the way we view situations. A new, fresh perspective on various aspects of life can jolt us into a better mindset. You might not be in charge …